Breast Cancer Awareness Month





October is be supportive, caring, understanding and strong while thinking PINK and spread the awareness month!!!

Not only will the women suffering from the illness be affected, so will their friends and family who love them. Breast cancer is no joke. It is expected to kill 40,290 women this year. Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women.

Seeing loved ones diagnosed with breast cancer can be very hard to deal with. How do friends and family cope with cancer? The American Cancer Society provides support groups for patients and family members who are going through the battle. These support groups provide personal therapists or allow the patients to be in group therapy with other patients dealing with the same illness. Families are allowed the same benefits.

Many different feelings and emotions will occur during the diagnosis of breast cancer such as: frustration, anger, sadness, confusion and fear. Fear is the biggest emotion caused by cancer’s influence.

According to the American Cancer Society, Statistics for men and women are:

  • About 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12.4%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.
  • In 2018, an estimated 266,120 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in women in the U.S., along with 63,960 new cases of non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer.
  • About 2,550 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in men in 2018. A man’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is about 1 in 1,000.
  • 460 men will die this year from breast cancer.