Staying Awake Better and Longer- Tips for Truck Driver

Staying Awake Better and Longer: Tips for Drivers

Most truck drivers will tell you that sitting alone in a truck can make the body and brain tired, especially on trips and routes you know “in your sleep.”  Changing shifts and hours can also mess with your internal clock. So how can you legally and safely stay awake longer and better? Here are some tips from the professionals at Gray Transportation.

Take a Hike (or at least a short walk)

Sitting for too long makes you tired and is not great for the body. We know deadlines need to be met and time is money, but taking a brisk 5 minute walk when you stop can do wonders. Utilize rest stops or walk when you arrive at your destination. Another tip, don’t wait until you too tired. Try to plan it into your schedule.

Speaking of Exhausted…

Pushing yourself when you’re already tired can be incredibly dangerous. Get enough sleep and enough quality sleep and don’t wait until you’re exhausted to get some sleep. That can lead to bad sleep. Take naps where and when you can and try to get on a decent sleep schedule.

Chill out…Literally.

A cozy warm cab may feel great on a cold day, but that can also make you sleepy.  Keeping the cab cooler will help keep you more awake and alert and it will keep you and everyone on the road involved safer.

Have a Cup of Coffee

I said a CUP of coffee, not a pot. Okay maybe 2 cups, but don’t overdo it. Coffee gives your brain and body a quick boost if only temporarily.  Coffee is not a sleep substitute, it’s just a booster.  Go easy on the energy drinks too. The jury is still out on their overall safety and too many of those and your heart will be racing like a hummingbird.  Avoid those little packets of “stay awake” pills the convenience store sells, those are just plain dangerous.  Plus, when you crash off the excess caffeine, you will crash hard and that won’t be pretty.

Gray Transportation cares about your health. If you are looking to drive for a great local company, please contact us today.